In Denmark, we have a challenge when it comes to retaining international employees. Many leave within the first year of arrival, and within five years, more than half have left Denmark. A large part of the reason for this is not about the day-to-day life in the company, but what happens outside of working hours.

For many international employees, it's difficult to practice the Danish language during the workday, as it's often easier for colleagues to switch to English. Speaking English may be more effective, but it's a short-term solution.

A lack of Danish language skills - and thus the inability to form long-term relationships and a sense of belonging after working hours - are some of the most common reasons why employees leave Denmark, according to the Confederation of Danish Industry.

The lack of social networks outside of the workplace makes it difficult for international employees to connect and stay in Denmark.


A safe space to
conversation in Danish

"Now I speak Danish with my colleagues. When we started, my Danish was very slow. Now I can build sentences and speak faster, so I can have conversations in everyday life" - Luuk, Senior Product Manager.

"It's fantastic! We eat together. We drink a beer or a glass of wine. He helps me with my oral Danish before my exams. Sometimes we read H.C. Andersen together. I tell all my friends that if they want to learn Danish, they should get an Elderlearn match" - Alex, IT Project Manager.

84% of participants think the program has helped them learn better Danish, 74% now speak more Danish in everyday life, and 73% have become more comfortable speaking Danish at work.



Of international newcomers think visits are going well


Of the seniors feel that they have benefited the newcomer through their meetings


of international migrants believe that their match has helped them learn Danish better


Of international migrants
have become more comfortable speaking Danish in the workplace or in public


Internal evaluation 2021-2022


Strengthen your employees' Danish language and connection to Denmark

Through Elderlearn Employee, international employees get a unique opportunity to speak Danish in a safe 1:1 relationship with a senior in their local area. In addition to improved Danish, the program gives the employee an insight into Danish culture and their local area. All elements that strengthen the employee's connection to everyday life and Denmark.

As a participant in the program, the employee meets with their senior volunteer for one hour a week for 12 months to have a conversation in Danish. The meetings can take place during or outside of working hours. Elderlearn prepares employees for the program, recruits senior volunteers, matches employees and seniors and supports the program. At the end of the program, Elderlearn prepares an evaluation.

Elderlearn Employee is an ideal tool for your company's recruitment, onboarding and retention strategy.


Collaboration and pricing

Any company can partner with Elderlearn. With a partnership, international employees are retained and upskilled. At the same time, the collaboration sends a clear signal about the social responsibility that is being taken - especially in relation to integration, combating loneliness and diversity. A collaboration also contributes to the work with the SDGs and the S in your company's CSR strategy.

The price of the program depends on the number of participants and the choice of add-ons such as joint events and presentations. Contact us for more information.